Hi, I’m a 3rd year EECS Ph.D. student at UCI Corsa Lab working with Prof. Sitao Huang. I also work closely with Prof. Hyoukjun Kwon. My research focus is deep learning accelerators, efficient machine learning systems, and heterogeneous computing.

I have around two years of experience as a Graduate Research Assistant at UC Irvine, where I work on projects in the fields of designing deep learning accelerators, neural architecture search, and hardware-software co-design. Recently, I have been working on LLM-aided design space exploration and codgen based on RAG.

I’m also a Leadership Team Member at Nucleate Los Angeles, a mission-driven organization that supports early-stage biotech startups in the LA region. I have over two years of experience as a Senior Software Development Engineer at FRESHCART, where I led the design and implementation of a scalable and secure e-commerce platform for fresh produce delivery.


[5/10/24] One paper “Optimizing High-Level Synthesis Designs with Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models” has been accepected to LAD’24

[5/2/24] Recived Best Student Poster Award at the IAP UCI Workshop on the Future of AI and Cloud Computing Applications and Infrastructure

[4/28/24] Joined OSDI/ATC 2024 Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC)

[4/26/24] Received MLSys’24 Student Travel Grant

[4/15/24] One poster has been accepted to MLSys’24 Young Professionals Symposium

[4/15/24] I will join MediaTek as AI Architecture and Algorithm Intern this Summer 2024

[4/7/24] Received DAC Young Fellow 2024

[12/16/23] One paper “HyperDetect: A Real-Time Hyperdimensional Solution For Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks” has been acceptected to IEEE Internet of Things Journal

[11/12/23] “MicroNAS: Zero-Shot Neural Architecture Search for MCUs” has been accepted to DATE’24 as extended abstract